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The GTB Blog Geogra3: Three ways to promote Geography

Geogra3: Three ways to promote Geography


In this week’s Geogra3 blog I’m sharing the content of my weekly email to Geography teachers - three ways to promote Geography to your students, especially those in year 9.

1. Why choose GCSE Geography?

There are a variety of videos on Youtube aimed at promoting the subject and the linked career options out there.  But, when sifting through, I found it hard to find ones that were engaging or ones that provided a cross-section of individuals in different careers, that were representative of the wide ranging backgrounds students come from.  From the perspective of someone with a mixed ethnic background, I'm keen to see greater representation of people of colour who have studied the subject.

The best ones I could find included this one from the Royal Geographical Society:   

And this one produced by a school that follows one of the Edexcel specs but it's still relevant to many of us as it links career paths to different elements of what we study.  It's particularly useful for those students who say Geography isn't relevant to any careers!

2. Do you have tv screens around the school?

Another way to keep students thinking about Geography is this great idea shared in a facebook group.  Each week, a Geography song of the week is shared, with further information of a geographical nature included.  There are also QR codes that students can scan to be taken to the actual song or a documentary.  Here’s one example:

Ekon Llessur has very kindly shared the resources he has created, as well as a template that you can access here in the AQA GCSE Geography Teachers Group.

 3. “Geography won’t help me get a job”

I don’t know about you but I find that comment particularly infuriating!  One of the best ways to keep students interested in Geography is to share with them the wealth of careers that could be open to them and also share how much high tech data is possible, as a result of the work of geographers.

One great way of doing this is sharing the careers page on the Association of American Geographers website.  With Geography Awareness Week coming up soon in the States (14th - 19th November 2022) I’m sure they will have more resources to follow.  But this page is a great place to direct students and get them to find out about what people do.  

Similarly, using GIS in lessons can be a great way to keep students engaged and I know I will be exploring the opportunities presented here by Esri.  It can sometimes be difficult to know what to do or how to include GIS but these seem to be some great off-the-shelf resources that students can easily use, like this one monitoring earthquakes in real time.  

That’s it for this week.  If you’ve enjoyed reading you might like to sign up to my Geogra3 newsletter to get 3 useful Geography things landing in your inbox every week.  Just click this link to subscribe today.

And remember, keep being curious - there’s a whole world out there!

I love nothing more than supporting Geography teachers as we are a pretty awesome bunch.  

So here are five ways that I might be able to help you….


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