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The GTB Blog Geogra3: preserving bodies, morning routines, geography gifts

Geogra3: preserving bodies, morning routines, geography gifts


Geogra3: preserving bodies, morning routines, geography gifts

The short blog where I share 3 things for Geography teachers!

1. Something to listen to

I love a good podcast on my way to work and this week I came across a programme called "Teach me a lesson" with Greg James and Bella Mackie.  They had a Geography teacher in, making the carbon cycle surprisingly interesting by using a CSI approach to the Tollund Man and various other preserved bodies.  

Head to or find it on your normal podcast player.

2. Making mornings easier

Over the past 18 months, I've been spending a lot more time reflecting on my general wellbeing.  Whether it's a bit of a middle age crisis or just that small matter of a global pandemic, I'm not sure.  But I've started experimenting with my morning routine.  If you struggle to get up in the morning, one of the best things you can do is select something you really enjoy and do that first, even if it's just for 5 minutes.  On a school day, I love the fresh air in the morning, so I walk the dog straight away - literally chuck on trackies, coat and hat before heading out the door.  I actually quite like the dark mornings as it means no one can see me! When I'm back, I then do 10 mins of yoga followed by 5 minutes of journalling and/or reading with a coffee.  For me, this just feels like the best way to start the day.  Find what works for you.  A read of this article in The Guardian might give you further ideas of how to do the early morning with less friction. There was also an interesting thread in the Facebook Group when I asked what 3 things Geography teachers do when they arrived at school - I like the fact that coffee featured high on the priorities! You can find the post here.

3. Looking for the perfect geography gift?

If you're looking for a location-inspired gift, I don't think you can go far wrong with Lucy Loves This.  I bought the Lancaster one for my husband last year (see below), as we met at university there - brings back lots of memories!  If they don't have what you're looking for, then drop them an email and I'm sure they will add it in the future.

And that's your Geogra3!  If you want to make sure you don't miss future editions, make sure you subscribe to the newsletter here.


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