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The GTB Blog Geogra3: Data visualisation, careers, display idea

Geogra3: Data visualisation, careers, display idea


As educators, we're always on the lookout for innovative ways to engage our students in understanding and visualising data. In this week's Geogra3 blog post, we'll explore three resources that will not only enrich your geography lessons and classrooms but also help your students grasp complex data through visualisation.

1. Visualising Data: Making Geography Come Alive

In the realm of education, data is our trusty companion, aiding us in imparting knowledge to our students. However, making this data visually comprehensible can be a challenge. Thankfully, there are talented individuals who make this task easier for us! Recently, I stumbled upon a remarkable resource that delves into the potentially uninhabitable parts of the world by 2100 due to climate change. This valuable tool allows students to explore scenarios involving heat, sea level rise, and water stress. Available in both German and English, it's a must-visit platform that can significantly enhance your geography lessons.

Here's the link to the site:

Additionally, "Information is Beautiful" is a fantastic website that captivates its visitors with engaging visualisations. One recent visualisation caught our eye, showcasing the world's most populous countries. Exposing students to a diverse range of data presentations enables them to critique various methods and gain a deeper understanding of choices for their fieldwork write-ups.

Here's the link to the world's most populous countries:

2. What Do Geographers Really Do?

Ever wondered what geographers actually do?  It's crucial for students to understand the broad spectrum of careers within the geography domain. Drawing inspiration from a delightful book titled "What does Daddy do?" where children whimsically interpret their father's professions, (e.g. my Daddy is a knight who fights a scary monster every day as his boss is a dragon!), I believe exposing students to the diverse range of jobs is equally vital. The Royal Geographical Society recently conducted a workshop titled "What do geographers do?" where they recorded insightful conversations with various professionals in the field. This workshop is meticulously time-stamped, allowing you to utilise different sections in different lessons, especially in the lead-up to options evenings. Accompanying this workshop are three optional downloadable worksheets, enriching the learning experience for your students.

Here's the link to the video:

3. A Creative Display for Your Classroom

As educators, we're constantly seeking resources that can simplify our lives and inspire our students. One such resource we stumbled upon is the Twitter account of Rach Rob ( She generously shared a phenomenal resource titled "Inspirational Geographers," available for download as a PDF. This treasure trove includes profiles of 75 remarkable geographers, making it an ideal candidate for a captivating wall display. Imagine adorning your classroom or corridor with these inspirational figures, sparking curiosity and enthusiasm among your students. We encourage you to grab this resource, and don't forget to follow Rach Rob and consider supporting her JustGiving page for her generous contribution to the educational community.

Here's the link to the resource on her Twitter page:

That's it for this week!  If you like this and want to make sure you don't miss a post, you could join my email list by subscribing here.

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